Snowshoeing is a winter activity that can be enjoyed by people with or without experience in the sport. Snowshoes are specialized outdoor gear for walking over snow. Their large footprint spreads the user’s weight out and allows them to travel largely on top of rather than through snow. Adjustable bindings attach to appropriate winter footwear. Snowshoeing is a good way to keep your heart rate and blood pressure under control while getting fresh air, exercising, and enjoying the outdoors. Snowshoes are a fun and very welcoming addition to any outdoor adventure. They allow you to really focus on Mother Nature’s beauty and enjoy the excitement of the overall experience. Where? Sethan village near Manali, Himachal Pradesh is one of the prettiest and a fantastic destination for back country snow adventures in India. With its natural beauty and contrasting snow-capped peaks, it is simply breathtaking. Also, it is one of the few places in Himachal Prade...